Friday, April 08, 2005

HB 1025: Theft

H.B. 1025, P.N. 1181 (MAITLAND) This would amend Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses).
A theft of $500,000 in value or more would be a first degree felony.
A theft of $100,000 in value or more but less than $500,000 in value, of a firearm, of anhydrous ammonia, or is committed during a period of a disaster would be a second degree felony.
A theft of $500 in value or more but less than $100,000 in value, of an automobile, airplane, motorcycle, motorboat, or motor-propelled vehicle, is an organized theft, or is a third or subsequent theft would be a third degree felony.
A theft of $150 in value or more would be a first degree misdemeanor.
A theft of less than $150 in value would be a summary offense for a first offense and a second degree misdemeanor for a second offense.
A felony theft from a political subdivision, local authority, or a charitable organization would result in an additional sentence of five years or less imprisonment.
A person age 16 and above accused of a summary theft would be ordered to submit to fingerprinting. A trial or plea could not proceed until the State Police determines if the accused is a repeat theft offender.
The crime of theft would be expanded to include failing to disclose a known lien, adverse claim, or other legal impediment to a property when transferring such property.
The crime of inflicting harm during theft by extortion would be expanded to include bodily injury.
A person who is convicted of theft of motor fuel may in addition to other penalties be fined from $100 or more to $250 for a first offense, from $250 or more to $500 for a second offense, a fined $500 or less and lose drivers operating privileges for 30 days for subsequent offenses.
Theft crimes may be aggregated when determining the degree of offense.


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