Wednesday, May 11, 2005

HB 1489: Prohibitions Against Smoking

H.B. 1489, P.N. 1806 (CORNELL) This would amend an Act to Provide Safety of Persons Employed, Housed, or Assembled in Certain Buildings, Act 299 of 1927, P.L. 465.
This would prohibit smoking in a commercial establishment, retail store, grocery store, bingo hall,, waiting room or area, hallway, polling place, public restroom, sports arena, convention hall, elevator, public transit, public food assistance program facility, public meeting not covered by the Sunshine Act, rotunda, lobby, exhibition hall, bar, tavern, and restaurant.
A “smoking area” would be required to ensure air is directed back into the smoking room and not into the rest of the building and is directed outside the building and not into general ventilation of the building.
The definition of “workplace” would be expanded to include area for volunteer activity.
The Health Department or local health department or board would be able to institute court actions to enjoin a violator of this Act. A violator could be fined $100 or less for a first offense, $200 or less for a second offense within one year,, and $500 or less for subsequent violations.


At 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds good. This is both a health issue as well as instituting common courtesy.

At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is such a big health issue and it needs to start witht he young people. We non smokers should not have to put up with this smoke. Smoking is a health issue with the non smokers as well as the smokers and increases our health insurance. Raise that smoke taxes as high as you can until they cannot afford to smoke. There should also be some kind of fines placed on under age smoking as there is on under age drinking.

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