Friday, May 13, 2005

HB 904: Allow Hunting on Sundays

H.B. 904, P.N. 1026 (STABACH) This would amend Title 34 (Game).
This would repeal the prohibition against hunting on a Sunday.


At 7:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I already am considering selling my country home becasue all of the homes around me are being bought up by rich people who use them as camps....and thier kids use them as party houses when dad and mom aren't around. Regular people are having a harder and harder time hanging onto the family farm. Add to that all of the hunters that these "vacationers" bring with when I sit on my porch looking across the green fields that I just spent the week mowing, strangers walk across like they own the place. When I go for a walk in my woods, which I spent the months clearing the broken limbs from the edges of...I see streamers and garbage from these hunters all over...I now must spend Saturday clearing my woods...I guess to be clean for the next onslaught of hunters. Then, I work overtime to pay the damn taxes...which none of these hunters help me pay. Is it too much to ask that the man who pays the bills and labors to keep the property nice, have 1 day out of the week when he can walk the fields and woods peacefully and without fear of accidental shooting or sit on his porch without out of staters walking through his field (front yard)??? To end this is not the local Pa hunter that I believe turns me against all of is exactly the out of towners who the politicians are trying to draw into the area...they treat our woods like thier private resorts and it is just plain wrong. I guess when I have had enough I will sell out to one of thier rich buddies and throw a big party.

At 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I truly agree with this previous statement and I am totally against hunting on Sun. Our moral have truly gone the way side. I don't even think that the stores should be open on Sundays but I guess we will never see that again. If we don't have enought time to do what needs to be done in six days, they it doesn't need done. And that goes for hunting too. Even God rested on the 7th day. But we don't want to hear about the anymore. God forbid we say God or even pray in public.

At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should be allowed to hunt on sunday. For the fack being
many hunters are off of work. But
thay have to work 5-6 days a week!!!

Thank DJD.

At 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunday Hunting should be without a doubt ALLOWED. If you don't want people on your land, post it. Or do hunting by permission only. As for the moral statement, How is this a moral issue? Deer season is only a couple of weeks long. I work 5 or 6 days a week. I don't have enough vacation time to use it for hunting. It's dark when I go to work and dark when I get home. Why shouldn't I be able to hunt one day a week?

At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a ridiculous situation to still find a Blue Law in existance.

Even more amazing are the silly comments that would have likely fit in when the discussion was removal of the Sunday Fishing Ban back in the early 1900's or any of the other Sunday Bans that have since been removed.

Face it. There is no legitimate justification for a law that allows hunting for pigeons, crows, foxes, coyotes, starlings and even some sparrows, seven days a week anywhere hunting is legal, then bans hunting for squirrels or other game, even on property you've paid for, simply because of what day of the week it happens to be.

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