S.B. 1, P.N. 718 (JUBELIRER) This would create the Lobbying Accountability Act.
A principal lobbyist, association, or similar entity would be required to register and provide the names and nature of business represented as well as any affiliated political action committees
A lobbyist would be required to register contact information and a recent photograph.
A principal would be required to file quarterly expense reports upon reaching a threshold of $2,500 of lobbying expenses. These reports would include listing spending on salaries, compensation, benefits, vehicles, bonuses, and reimbursable expenses to a person who lobbies. These reports would not require listing spending on lobbyists, lobbying staff, research and monitoring staff, attorneys at law, technical staff, publications and public relations staff, clerical and administrative staff who are exempt from registration and reporting.
The expense report would list the name of every official or employee to whom an expense was made and the value of each expense.
A lobbyist would be prohibited from serving as an officer or treasurer of a candidate’s political committee or political action committee.
A registered lobbyist would be prohibited from lobbying in conflict to the interests of another interest represented by the principal, unless this conflict is disclosed in writing to both parties and both parties provide informed consent they waives this conflict. Violating this conflict could result in a fine of $2,000 or less and prohibiting the principal or the lobbyist from lobbying for five years or less.
It would be a crime for a lobbying to create the introduction of legislation designed for the lobbyist to become employed to lobby against.
It would be a crime for a lobbyist to make a loan to an official or employee
A lobbyist who internationally fails to register or file a report or who knowingly files a false statement on a report would commit a second degree misdemeanor and could be banned from lobbying for five years or less.